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Angelina Plum

In this area, fresh fruits and vegetables are a fruit that can be preferred to order, and it is a fruit of Asian and...


In addition to its yellow and single-core structure, apricot, which is a fleshy fruit, is a fruit that loves the sun. Thanks to this...


It is in the class of flowering plants and among tropical fruits. It can be used in the preparation of salads and pastes that...


Bananas and fruits, which are rich in sodium, potassium, magnesium, contain vitamins A. C, E, K, and their peel provide many benefits, are available...


Spinach leaf, an annual herbaceous plant, comes from the Amaranthaceae family as fleshy and dark green. Spinach loves clayey and sandy soils in terms...


With its soft texture and delicious taste, it is a fruit that many people enjoy. Thanks to its black color, its antioxidant feature comes...


Blueberries, which are tiny in blue purple color, contain vitamins A, C, E, K and potassium, iron and calcium. It can be consumed as...


Kumquat, which is a member of the citrus family, smaller than tangerine, can grow even in pots at homes with its sour taste, is...


Carambola fruit has a shape resembling a star. For this reason, it is also referred to as "Yıldız Fruit" among vegetable and fruit wholesalers....


It is one of the fresh fruit types of the Annona Cherimola plant. It is referred to as one of the most delicious fruits...


Looking at the world cherry production in Turkey is also possible to see that in the first place. Cherry fruit, which is produced extensively...


It is an ideal choice for those who are fond of tropical fruits. It is among the natural foods and the benefits are endless....


It is a type of fresh fruit with a hard and shiny skin. The seeds of the fruit can be consumed. It can also...

Grant Smith Apples

The Grand Smith apple has a valuable place among valuable agricultural products. This apple variety, known as green apple with its large spherical fruits,...

Grape Black

In addition to being consumed in the wet form in the summer months, many benefits are obtained by consuming it dry. Although it is...

Grape Frenk

Red currant, which contains a lot of vitamins A, B, and C, is tiny and red and sour in taste. It has many health...

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